bits of the 2015 bucket list

Hey all!

For this year, I created a “52 in ’15” bucket list, inspired by one of my professor’s blogs of the same idea (Prof. Siplon – you must take a class with her!)

Since I’m graduating in May, there are quite a few that will be completed after leaving Vermont. However, there are SO many things I have left to do before saying goodbye to beautiful Burlington! I’ve compiled the best of my list that partially involves or relates to Vermont for you to read + maybe pull your own inspiration from…


Have an article published locally/nationally

Participate in a protest

(Successfully) cook a meal for friends

Read 25 new books

Take a photo at the whale tails

Try Heady Topper (21+!)

Go vegan again for a month (lots of vegan restaurant options in the area)

Dust off the old figure skates and spend an afternoon at the rink (going this week, actually)

Work on not procrastinating (haha…)

Participate in the naked mile before graduating (no shame)

Learn west coast swing (+ do social dancing at Duino Duende on Honky Tonk Tuesdays – one of my favorite restaurants/venues in Burlington)

Re-learn film photography + darkroom developing (taking the film photography class this semester)

Learn to meditate

Take kickboxing classes

Do aerial yoga

Volunteer in Tanzania (ok, this is obviously not something to do specifically with Vermont. HOWEVER, I am going to Tanzania this summer through the Health & Development in East Africa course, led by Prof. Siplon, that I’m currently taking. There are so many opportunities at St. Mike’s to get out into the world – take advantage of it!)

Go for a bike ride on the Burlington causeway

Go hiking + camping in Vermont

Photograph every worthy moment (and Vermont is quite photogenic, anyways!)

Complete a bit of the VT Brew Trail (21+!)

Visit every coffee shop in Burlington

Al’s French Fries — still haven’t been. Definitely not ok.
